

저출산ㆍ고령화에 따른 노동시장변화와 고령자 고용시스템의 개선


Legal steps and barriers on labor market for the employment of older Persons in lower birth & ageing society


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lower birth rate and longer average life span are driving our country to so called-Aging Society-step by step. In particular, Korea also becomes a country at the rapidest speed of the world in aging. Aging society involves many social and economic problems. So it requires national-wide political countermeasures. However, we have actually insufficient social security system against this aging society and have lack of employment even for the aged. In addition, the aged of ours mostly have insufficient or even poor financial conditions. That is why the aged in low income class may critically result in one of social problems. Furthermore, the retirement of the aged employee from economic activities may lead to lower population participating into economic activities. In fact, they have remarkably contributed to the economic growth of Korea over last four decades. If the aged are not properly employed, welfare budget will increase along with lower general labor productivity than now so that national development will remain at standstill. Accordingly, we have to make proactive efforts to enhance the employment of the aged. Methodologically, it is required to approach the employment of the aged in the level of alternative policy for relieving national and social sustenance expenses and overcoming lack of labor manpower, beyond existing social benefit level. For these purports, this study focuses on outlining basic characteristics of labor market for the aged in Korea and examining legal and political challenges in terms of labor market for the aged.


 I. 문제의 제기
 II. 노동시장의 변화와 고령자 고용시스템의 문제점
  1. 저출산 고령사회와 노동시장의 변화
  2. 고령자의 높은 노동력률과 취업에 대한 수요
  3. 고령자의 고용기회 부족 원인
  4. 정년제의 고용보장기능 약화와 정년을 기축으로 한 고령자의 취업행동
  5. 고령자의 다양한 취업희망과 취업행동
  6. 정년과 연금지급 개시연령과의 괴리 심화
  7. 세대간의 고용ㆍ실업문제
 III. 인구 고령화에 따른 고령자 고용정책의 국내외 동향
  1. 우리나라의 고령자고용에 대한 정책적 대응동향과 내용
  2. 세계 주요국의 고령자 고용정책의 주요 동향
 IV. 고용시스템 변화와 고령자 고용문제 법적 과제
  1. 기업의 고령자고용 기피에 대한 대응
  2. 「고령자 취업사회」정책의 추진
  3.「고령자 취업사회」정책의 기본방향
  4. 고용시스템의 변화와 고령자 고용문제의 법적 과제
 V. 결론


  • 고준기 Ko, Zoon-Ki. 군산대학교 법과대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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