

Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as Ideological Intervention


Kim, Shin-Hee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Shin-Hee. (2007). Translation of Orwell's Animal Farm as Ideological Intervention. Conference Interpretation and Translation, 9(2), 35-61. Contrary to the supposed ‘anonymity’ of the translator, this paper investigates the active role of the translator and the possibility of using translation as ideological intervention. Based on the fact that Animal Farm has been one of the most frequently translated works in Korea, this essay explores how translation of the novel served as ‘ideological intervention’ during the period of intense dictatorship in Korean history. The paper takes two case studies from Presidents Rhee's and Park's regimes, and demonstrates that translators could exert a political import under the guise of translation. Focusing on paratexts as a valuable site to detect the translator's presence, speech act theory is used to identify translation's covert function of ideological intervention. Keywords: Animal Farm, translation, social change, speech act theory, paratexts


I. Introduction
 II. Translation as speech acts
 III. Paratextual mediation
 IV. Case Studies
  1. 1945 version(이규환 Lee Kyy Whan)
  2. 1972 version(김병익 Kim Byug-Ik)
 IV. Conclusion


  • Kim, Shin-Hee Uiduk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1김길준 , (1948) (諷刺小說) 動物農場, 국제문화협회
  • 2이규환 , (1954) 諷刺政治小說 動物共和國 , 동서문화사
  • 3김병철, (1998) 한국 현대번역 문학사연구, 을유문화사
  • 4김영선, (1995) 한국의 정치권력과 언론정책,
  • 5Alvarez, (1996) Translation, power, subversion, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd
  • 6Baker, (2006) Translation and conflict: A Narrative account, London & New York: Routledge
  • 7Buzo, (2002) The Making of modern Korea, London & New York: Routledge
  • 8Cunnings, (1997) Korea′s place in the sun: a modern history, London: Norton
  • 9Fawcett, (1998) Ideology and translation, Mora Baker. London & New York: Routledge
  • 10Fowler, Roger, (1983) Linguistics and the Novel,

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