Developing Standards for Measuring Consumer's Damage in Internet Shopping Mall
As online shopping is expanding rapidly, the damages undergone by consumers are also dramatically increasing. This research mainly focused on the damages experienced through Internet shopping. The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized scale to measure damages sustained through an Internet shopping mall. A preliminary 35-item scale was developed through a literature review, and 1,230 consumers responded to an online survey using the preliminary scale. This research was supported by the surveys conducted on consumers who had previously shopped at an Internet fashion mall. This research was conducted with the intention of not only supplying academic data on the damage sustained by consumers, but also understanding the consumers' basic behavior patterns. Then a series of tests, such as test-retest, item-to-total correlation, Cron bach's reliability coefficient and factor analysis, were conducted using the survey data and a final scale with 26-items was constructed in the end. The damage sustained in Internet shopping malls scale for consumers consisted of three factors: 1. Trouble with safety 2. Trouble with payment and delivery; and 3. Trouble with after-sales services.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구방법
IV. 연구결과
V. 결론 및 제언
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