


日本語學習者の現場指示の 習得に關する硏究


일본어학습자の현장지시の 습득に관する연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the acquisition of spatial demonstratives in Korean learners of Japanese (KL) and Chinese learners of Japanese (CL). The study showed the following results: (1) Both KL and CL learn spatial demonstrative usages that translate directly in their own languages easier, but CL experience great difficulties when they face a discrepancy. (2) When relating to a question, used by the other interlocutor, both KL and CL, having different demonstrative systems in their languages, tend to use demonstratives of the so‐type instead of ko and a types,
and a‐type instead of so‐type. (3) If we try to arrange spatial demonstratives from easier to harder to acquire we will get ko=a>so for KL and ko>so≧a for CL, which shows that KL encounter greatest difference with spatial demonstratives of the so‐type and CL with demonstratives of the a‐type. (4) An overall comparison shows that KL tend to use more a‐type demonstratives, while CL use more demonstratives of the ko‐type. Besides, as they improve, KL tend to use less sotype demonstratives, while CL use more. (5) From a second‐language acquisition point of you the study showed that even if experiencing certain first‐language
interference both KL and CL actively accumulate skill in the second language while encountering the same troubles on the way, or developing learner‐specific incomplete systems.


 1. はじめに
 2. 現場指示コソアの分類
  2.1 獨立的現場指示
  2.2 相對的現場指示の融合型
  2.3 相對的現場指示の對立型
  2.4 現場指示におけるコソアの分布
 3. 硏究方法
  3.1 調査の方法
  3.2 分析の方法
 4. 結果と考察
  4.1 現場指示の用法間の比較
  4.2 現場指示の學習レベル間の比較
 5. 現場指示の使用割合の比較
 6. まとめと考察


  • 安龍洙 안용수. 일본 茨城大學 准敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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