

三島由紀夫『橋づくし』論 ─ 作品構造の表象を中心に ─


삼도유기부『교づくし』론 ─ 작품구조の표상を중심に ─


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



"Hashitukushi" is evaluated with a masterpiece in a number short piece having much of
Mishima with a work announced in December, 1956 by magazine "Bungeishunju". Night of
lunar calendar August 15, geisha Koyumi and Kanako and Mina of three people and a maid
of Masako of a restaurant go out for "hashitukushi" and ascetic practice of silence to say. A
wish is to come true when I pray for seven bridges for order with "hashitukushi" here. And it
is only Mina among four people that finished wish safely after all. I assigned a focus to
representation of unusual work structure and tried to lecture while thinking about relevance
with "Hashitukushi of a trace" of Chikamatsu of epigraph by this report. And "Hashitukushi"
paid attention to announced age and tried to investigate the important meaning that I chased
author Mishima who was able to go, and Mishima aimed at one turning point. In other words
"Hashitukushi" seems to confront "Hashitukushi of a trace" of epigraph. And opposition
structure of a work highlights tasteless phases of the times. It does a metaphor of disharmony
of dualism with the inside and the outside in a writer, and express unshapely reality; may ask
it it.


 二.本 論
  (一) エピグラフ「天の網島」と三島の「橋づくし」
  (二) 作品構造の表象
  (三) みなという表象


  • 崔殷景 최은경. 東亞大學校 講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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