

日本 茶の湯의 形成과 展開


일본 다の탕의 형성과 전개


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japanese tea began at Nara age. In peace period, because of the insufficient product quantity,
drinking tea was performed just in the form of the courtesy. Here, ceremonial function and
medicinal use were also included.
However, Priest Youngsuh introduced tea from Song and called upon the change of recognition
about tea through writing such as "Kickdayangsangki" with rising of the Kamakura shogunate,
which lays stress on warrior. Founding Zen temple as its center, leading culture - training and
relief of the needy - was made. On the other hand, Tucha was being prevailed as the way of
tasting an elegant.
Cheonjungdatang(Seowoncha) was formed through compounding warrior's Tucha and priest's memorial rites organically. A result of assimilation of people's tea and Seowoncha was Jukwang's tea, and fomentation of Choamcha, which enjoyed in nature, began at Jukwang.
Choamcha established its principle at salvation and enlightenment brings with a Buddhist
canon. A state of awakening through Zen and the final stage which Wabichoamcha pursues
were different. Chanoyu's routine stood alone from Buddhism and was a form of secularized
Zen courtesy. And, its execution was a figure of Zen priest's daily life.
Chanoyu was being melted in japanese life. Its routine was tea ceremony's secularized
figure which became independent from Buddhism. Its execution was the figure of Zen priest's
daily life. Zen formality which was given secularism borrowed the form of Chanoyu and
become a part of the everyday. At the same point, Chonoyu revolved to the Zen sect,
converged practices, and appeared as morality which supports a society and human minds.


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 차노유[茶の湯]의 形成과 展開
  1) 藥用과 儀禮로서의 茶
  2) 榮西禪師와 茶文化
  3) 요리아이[寄合]文化와 鬪茶
  4) 禪院 茶禮
  5) 藝能空間과 茶
  6) 와비와 茶
 3. 나가는 말


  • 노근숙 중앙대학교 일어일문학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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