


경호업무수행자의 성격특성과 직무스트레스 대처행동 및 대처효과의 관계


The Relationship of Safeguard Accomplishment Personality and Stress Coping Behavior


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to find relationships between safeguards' personality traits and stress coping behaviors. The findings then could provide data to adapt safeguards to their duties. For that, personality traits such as sociability, stability and stress coping behaviors and the effects were investigated. In addition, cognitive aspects which were known to influence stress coping behaviors were appraised. The findings of this research are as follows, First, regarding personality traits and stress coping behaviors, the unstable and unsocial group used the emotion-focused coping style more than the stable and social group. The two groups didn't show any significant differences in the problem-focused coping style. The A-type group used both the problem-focused style and the emotion-focused style more than the B-type group. The common characteristic of the unstable, the unsociable and the A-type groups was the heavy use of avoidance behaviors of the emotion-focused coping style. Second, In the correlation between the personal traits and the stress coping effects regarding adaptability, the stability influenced stress coping effects. Third, regarding the personality traits, the coping styles and the coping effects, A-type group showed high correlation with the sociability but not with the stability. The problem-focused coping style showed high correlation with the emotion-focused style. Fourth, the cognitive appraisal on the stress causes influenced the stress coping styles but not the stress coping effects. Fifth, the cognitive appraisal on the same stress causes didn't show any significant differences among the personality traits.


  • 김종탁


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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