A case study on the Collective activities of Spectators of Professional soccer games
This is a case study on the violent collective activities of spectators in professional soccer games. The purpose of this study is to examine the reasons and the processes of the activities. In order to achieve the purpose well, I analyzed two cases of violent collective activities in spectators of professional soccer games that were held on June 24 and July 28 in 2001. The data for this study was collected from 14 kinds of daily newspapers from June 10 to August 20 in 2001 to maintain the objective validity of the outline, the reasons, and the processes of the violent collective activities of spectators in two cases. The data was collected from Korea Integrated News Database System(KINDS) of Korea Press Foundation, and Chollian, on-line service of DACOM, for its efficiency, accuracy and promptness. On the basis of the above-mentioned method as well as the consequences of data analysis, I've reached to a conclusion as follows. The reasons of the violent collective activities of spectators in professional soccer games were the mass effect, the activities of players, umpires and the results of games, etc. The violent collective activities of spectators in professional soccer games need pre-requirements and have relationships with special affairs that are developed in a regular sequence. In other words, a collective activity gives an effect on another one directly or indirectly. Therefore, this study shows that we can reduce or prevent the damages by the violent collective activities of spectators in sport games when we analyze the processes of collective activities and make a previous counter-measure for that.
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