


기계경비시스템의 변화와 시장전망


The Trends of Electronic Security System and Prospects of Security Market


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since Electronic Security System is introduced in Korea in 1981 by foreign technology, Security market has been increasing considerably during short period, and It performs it's security roles well in place of security guards. As electronic and communication technology is highly developed, Electronic Security System and security market structure is changing naturally. Especially high-tech mobile communication technology will change the method of Electronic Security business. Also the pattens of residence and life style, such as the trend toward nuclear family and single life could effect security market. In recent year, new business models that apply the mobile phone and internet is appeared. Although Electronic Security System is changed by the changes of technology, It is very difficult to change the basic elements, such as sensing, alarm signal transfering, and response. The rate of increase of Electronic Security market is expected to matain it's increase pace for the time being. But the development of new system for new protectes such as childeren, old person, vehicle rather than immovable facility is necessary to prepare for the continuous competition.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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