


국제스포트행사의 테러행위 대책


A Study on Countermeasures of the Terrorism on the International Sports Events


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



International sports events are no longer simple sports events. They are kinds of political and diplomatic events which are focused on international interests and they have to be held successfully to achieve their goal. Recently their economic effects have become one of the most important purposes. Almost all countries are doing there best to host international sports events for the purpose of advertising their own countries. But if there are terrorists who are to attack international sports events, the purpose of international sports events to improve friendship between nations and the peace of all mankinds will be seriously damaged. Also host country will be seriously damaged politically, diplomatically and economically. This article examines rapidly increasing international terrorism after 9.11 and analyzes the recent world terrorism situations and furthermore proposes legal and systemic countermeasures of our country to concentrate nation's abilities to prevent these kinds of sports terrorism.


  • 조광래


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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