The purpose of this arthicle is to investigate how the Korean guard in the Prisoner's Camp of the Southest Asia('NamBang') was mobilized, what their life was in the camp and how they were dealed with after the war by not only the documentary records but also the verbal evidences of which the importance has been emphasized recently. Studies of the Labor mobilization overseas during the war in the Pacific has over the years mainly concentrated upon the area of Japan and China. In order to properly understand the life of the Korean guard in the prisoner's camp of 'NamBang' at that time, this study tried to exmine 'Yang, Chil-Sung' who was the Korean guard in Indonesia. As the war became intense more and more, Japan had many foreign prisoners in their colonized countries. Japan mobilized 3,223 Korean young men for guarding these captives. They were sent to Southeast Asia. Yang was included in 3,223 persons. After the war, he rejected to go to Korea and fighted against Holland which tried to colonize Indonisia again. He was awarded the Indonesian Independence Hero in 1975 by the Indonesian Goverment. What was another considers to be particulary important in this study was the Korean Independence Association of Yong Men(KoRyoDokRipChungNyonDang) which was organized in 1944. They were composed of the prisoner's guards and fighted against Japan in Southeast Asia. Even though they have some limitation in the independence movement, the association had fighted against Japan for 2years. After the war, they were sentenced to the death or long years impisonment by the Allied Nations. They are still on trial for the compensation of their life and apology of the Japanese goverment.
본 논문에서는 일제시대 전시노무동원체제로 인해 당시의 ‘남방’이라고 한 동남아시아에 강제징용된 조선인 3,000여인의 삶을 되돌아 보고 그 중 전후 인도네시아에 남아 인도네시아의 독립영웅이 된 양칠성의 삶을 통해 전쟁의 비참함과 평화교육의 중요성을 살펴보고자 한다. 이는 현재 한국과 일본의 전후 처리와 역사교과서 왜곡이 심화되어 가고 있는 가운데 학교교육에서 양국의 역사교육에서 다룰 수 있는 좋은 소재가 될 수 있을 것이다.
따라서 본 논문은 이러한 소재발굴의 기초가 되는 조사연구라는 점에서 의미를 둘 수 있으며 양국의 역사교육에 이러한 소재가 교수-학습과정에서 어떻게 사용될 수 있을까하는 것은 추후의 연구과제로 남긴다.
I. 머리말
II. 본문
1. '전시노무동원'의 형태
2. 일제의 조선인 '포로감시원' '남방' 송출 배경 및 정책
3. '남방' 조선인 포로감시원의 모습
4. 전후 '포로감시원'의 처리 문제
III. 맺음말