

조기영어교사를 위한 온라인 연수모형


정동빈, 김혜정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jeong, Dong-bin & Kim, Hye-jeong. “A Model of Online Training Programs for Childhood English Teachers.” Studies on English Language and Literature. 33.3(2007): 257-286. The purpose of this study is to construct a system for continuing education while developing a model for online childhood English education training that will improve the following skills: communicative competence and improved teaching techniques. In order to accomplish this, first, the current status of online training programs in Korea was evaluated and areas of improvement were sought, second, a survey of childhood English teachers who wished to participate in training programs regarding methodology and contents was undertaken and analyzed. With these results as a starting point, a system for online training programs for childhood English language teachers was designed, and three different models were developed. The models are as follows: for private institutions and professional associations an Online Basic CETS-TESOL Program(2 weeks/20 hours), an Online Supplementary CETS-TESOL Program(6 weeks/60 hours), and the Online Intensive CETS-TESOL Program(12 weeks/120 hours). Combining the programs developed through this study and the programs offered by institutions that require student attendance would undoubtedly substantially increase the effectiveness of training programs. (Chung-Ang University․Chung-Ang University)


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경과 선행연구
  2.1 조기영어교육을 위한 교사의 기본자격요건
  2.2 조기영어교사의 양성교육 과정실태
  2.3. 웹 기반 원격연수를 통한 조기영어교사교육
 III. 원격연수모형개발의 연구방법 및 분석
  3.1 연구방법 및 연구대상
  3.2 설문조사에 대한 분석방법
  3.3 국내․외 원격 조기영어교사 연수 웹사이트 평가결과
  3.4 조기영어교육교사들의 요구분석
 IV. 조기영어교육교사를 위한 원격연수모형개발
  4.1 조기영어교사를 위한 원격연수 입문과정모형(20시간 기준)
  4.2 조기영어교사를 위한 원격연수 일반보충과정모형(60시간 기준)
  4.3 조기영어교사를 위한 원격연수 심화과정모형(120시간)
 V. 결론


  • 정동빈 중앙대․중앙대
  • 김혜정 중앙대․중앙대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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