

Wh-이동의 연속순환성과 동인



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yuk, Jun-cheol. “Wh-Movement and Motivation of its Successive Cyclicity.” Studies on English Language and Literature. 33.3(2007): 219-235. Many arguments have been presented to explain that movement in a simple sentence takes place as a result of derivation of linguistic expression and in terms of Case Filter. However, few research have been found to explore the reason why wh-movement out of a finite clause takes place. So many researchers tried to examine the motivation of wh-movement through subjancency condition especially in Principle and Parameter Grammar, which was successful in accounting for the result of the successive cyclicity of wh-movement, but not the motivation of the successive cyclicity of wh-movement. This paper tried to explore successive cyclicity of wh-movement triggered by a property of movement itself based on Boškobić(2002, in press) who argues that the intermediate EPP is filled as a result of the requirement of successive cyclicity and undergoing feature checking has a freezing effect in that it prevents X from undergoing further movement, not by a property of intermediate heads based on Chomsky(1995) who claims that movement is triggered by feature checking between the attractor and the attracted, which means that the motivation for the intermediate steps in the embedded clause does not seem to be clear, and Chomsky(1999, 2000) who claims that the EPP is the requirement that some functional heads must have a specifier. (Youngnam Cyber University)


 Ⅰ. 서론
 II.  이동의 동인
  2.1 단문에서 Wh-이동과 NP-이동의 동인
  2.2 이동과 하위인접조건
  2.3 wh-이동과 연속순환성
  2.4 That-흔적 효과
 Ⅲ. 이동과 자질점검
  3.1 최소주의 프로그램과 이동
  3.2 자질점검과 참스키(1999, 2000)
  3.3 연속순환이동과 보스코빅(2002 in press)
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 윤준철 영남사이버대학교


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