

Aspectual Influence on Tense Marking by College Students in an EFL Context


Kang, Hyeon-seok

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kang, Hyeon-seok. “Aspectual Influence on Tense Marking in an EFL Context.” Studies on
English Language and Literature. 33.3(2007): 151-173. With the goal of examining the validity
of the aspect hypothesis of Andersen & Shirai (1996) and Shirai (2007), this article investigates
aspectual effects of verbs on past marking on the basis of 2077 verb tokens from 18 Korean
English learners’ recorded speech produced in an EFL context. Two multivariate statistical
analyses are conducted in this study for data analysis. Results of the analyses provide yet
another piece of support to the aspect hypothesis. In both statistical tests, lexical aspect was
chosen as s significant constraint on past marking, and telic verbs showed clearly higher
probabilities of marking than atelics. This paper concludes that the effect of lexical aspect on
past marking is robust, not heavily affected by language learning contexts or types of data.
(Dankook University)


 I. Introduction
 II. Background
  2.1 The Aspect Hypothesis
  2.2 Previous Research
 III. Research Questions
 IV. Research Data
 V. Preliminary Data Analysis
 VI. Mulivariate Statistical analyses
  6.1 SPSS analysis
  6.2 Varbrul analysis
 VII. Overall Discussion and Implications
 VIII. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kang, Hyeon-seok Dankook University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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