

웨스트의 『에누리 없는 백만불』: 엘저 소설 패러디를 통한 아메리칸 드림의 해체



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Park, Geryong. “N. West’s A Cool Million: The Dismantling of American dream through parodying H. Alger’s novel.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 33.1 (2007): 161-178. The American Dream is the political, social and economic idea, which implies that if one works hard and honest and obeys the rules in the USA one will be rewarded with financial wealth and success. But the American Dream is also a myth that simplifies the complexities of reality and mphasizes only the optimistic vision. Horatio Alger’s Risen from the Rank is one of the proto-typical “rags to riches” stories. On the other hand, Nathanael West’s A Cool Million is savage parody of Horatio Alger’s success story. It is the chronicle of Lemuel Pitkin’s successive downfall and isfortunes. It dismantles the American Dream and warns the upsurge of native Fascism. His novel’s world, set in the 1930s, is filled with simulacra. Lemuel’s death is celebrated as a revolutionary hero’s martyr; ironically, he himself doesn’t know the cause of the Revolution. Lemuel the clown is thoroughly tricked into death by the American fascism led by Whipple the dictator. (SangMyung University)


 Ⅰ. 아메리칸 드림
 Ⅱ. 호라시오 엘저의 󰡔해리 월튼 출세기󰡕: 아메리칸 드림의 이상화
 Ⅲ. 웨스트의 󰡔에누리 없는 백만불󰡕: 레뮤엘 피트킨의 해체기
 Ⅳ. 자본주의 미래상의 패러디


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