Kim, Eunryung. “British Abolition Movement and Wordsworth’s Sympathy for the victimized.” Studies on English and Literature. 33.1(2007): 105-128.This paper aims at examining how the British Abolition Movement contributed to the making of a part of Wordsworth’s poetry. Wordsworth was fundamentally against the slavery system, the trade of slaves, and colonial wars because they denied in principle the human nature of the enslaved black people rejecting the idea of equal human beings. Wordsworth tended to show abolitionist consciousness through his sympathy for the suffering people victimized by wars and poverty who were represented as the symbols of human dignity and liberty in his poetry. Wordsworth’s deep sympathy for the wretched people in Britain was his own way of fighting against inhumanity of the slave system because the uprooted people such as female vagrants and discharged soldiers were in fact other casualties produced by the slave system and the colonial policy of British government. (Ewha Womans University)
I. 들어가며
II. 서인도 흑인노예와 노예폐지운동에 대한 관심
III. 고통 받는 자들에 대한 연민
IV. 나오며