

A Semantic Approach to Resultative Constructions


Sang-geun Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, I suggest that we need to reconsider resultatives from a semantic point of view for a better understanding on the interaction between the matrix event and the secondary event. With a special focus on Korean resultative constructions as well as English counterparts, I specifically propose that resultatives should be newly classified into two types, cause-oriented and result-oriented resultatives, Cause-oriented resultatives are characterized with gradable result predicates (or adjectives) while result-oriented resultatives are with non-gradable result
predicates in the sense of Goldberg (1995). Gradable predicates are allowed to form a predication with their own logical subject, to give rise to a causation between two independently defined events. In contrast, Non-gradable predicates are not allowed to form a predication with any logical subject, to give rise to an accomplishment relationship between two temporally coexistinting events. It correctly predicts that the clausal type of resultatives in Korean all contain a gradable expression. This view eventually leads to a reanalysis of the mysterious Korean morpheme -key on the result phrase in two ways, that is, as a causative morpheme in the cause-oriented resultative construction and a simple predication marker in the result-oriented resultative construction.


1. The syntactic accounts for resultatives
 2. Problems for the Direct Object Restriction (DOR)
 3. Events and two types of resultatives
  3.1 The Canonical Result Restriction (CRR)
  3.2 The aspectual constraint
  3.3 The end-of-scale constraint
 4. An event analysis
  4.1 The semantics of causatives and resultatives in English
  4.2 Cause-oriented resultatives as causatives
  4.3 An event analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Sang-geun Lee 중앙대학교 영어영문학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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