

조선 총독부 초기 국어 교과서의 「동화」의 개념


About the ‘Assimilation’ through Japanese Readings during the Early Years of the Government-General of Korea)

구보타 유코

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purposeof this research is to clarify the meaning of 'assimilation' through Japanese language under the Korea Education Decree of 1911 during the early years of the Government-General of Korea. For that purpose, I first study the intention with which the Government-General of Korea edited and published 『Japanese Reading Book for Elementary School』, and then examine the way they treated reading materials that were introduced in such reading books. It turns out that the meaning of the Japanese 'assimilation' is suggestive of upsurging of the
national spirit (or patriotism), as well as learning of useful knowledge of skills. In this context, the essential parts of 'assimilation' are understood to include such aspects as 'having respect forthe Imperial House (in Japan),' 'making exertions for the country,' and 'practicality and diligence'. And, the image of an ideal human being, which elementary school students were trained to pursue by the education of Japanese language that treated such aspects of 'assimilation' as
criticalsubjects, is identified with a mind of gratefulness to the Emperor. It is accordingly understood to become a man, i.e., a pillar of the Japanese society, who learns practical knowledge of skills, worksdiligently in business (or industry), and eventually makes exertions for his/her country while obeying the government officials' order.


1. 서론
 2. 「국어」에 의한 「동화」의 개념과 그 구성요소
  2.1 「동화」의 개념
  2.2 「동화」의 구성요소
 3. 「동화」의 구성요소에 관한 「국어」교재의 취급 방법
  3.1 「동화」의 구성요소에 관한 「국어」교재의 분류
  3.2 각 교재의 취급 방법


  • 구보타 유코 일본 규슈 산업대학교 국제문화학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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