

전통요소를 응용한 패션디자인 연구 I - 왕 의례복식의 문양을 중심으로 -


Fashion Design with the Application of Traditional elements I - Pattern of King's Formal Dress -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



W i t h t h e t u r n i n t o t h e 2 1 s t c e n t u r y , p e o p l e ' s i n t e r e s t i n K o r e an culture and Korean traditional costume(Han Bok) is geting highlighted and new term of 'Han Ryu' has ben begoten. (Han Ryu Ryu is now on the move with the national interest and support. Analysis and modernization works on Han Bok especially traditional royal costume should be taken urgently when we consider its symbolic meaning, representativeness and diversity. To respond on this need, as a process of research, we explored and find the essentcharacteristics of Korean traditional royal costume, attempted to aply those elements to the costume of modern style by making it as following. As a result of our analysis of the characteristic of Korean traditional royal costume, it might be sumarized as reverence-implying loftiness, stylish and pure We observed closely the elements of its' design such as patern, color, and formation. In this paper design, motives were sought for out of traditional royal costume and hereby a few design works wearable in modern living were made. The work chose King's formal dress that is relatively open for color. Genderless characteristics of modern costume and suitableness of formal wear were also taken into consideration.Aesthetic characteristics of loftines and dignity in King's formal dres might be observed in its patern. Most prominent patern is dragon which has top position among mysterious animals. And lor in compliance with the principle of yin and yang, and in its grand fold-on-fold formation.The work produced two suits of lady's day time formal suit and an evening coat which are good in any ocasion of official or cultural event.International designers including Asian adopt traditional elements and transfer them in the fast end of cross over using between the


 II. 조선시대 왕 의례복식에 나타난 조형요소와 의미
  1. 왕 면복(冕服: 九章服)
  2. 왕 상복(常服: 衰龍袍)
 III. 조선시대 왕 의례복식에 나타난 조형미와 그 분석
  1 . 숭고미(崇高美)
  2. 격조미 (格調美)
  3. 길상미 (吉祥美)
  4. Design을 위한 왕 의례복식의 기표와 기의 분석
 IV. 왕 의례복 문양요소가 응용된 디자인의 분석
 V. 왕 의례복 조형요소를 응용한 의상 제작
  1. 작품 컨셉과 기획
  2. 작품 디자인
  3. 의상 제작
 VI. 결론


  • 김경실 Kyung Sil Kim. 성균관대학교 생활과학대학 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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