

HDFS를 이용한 도로 퇴적물 내의 SS 및 중금속류에 대한 필터별 처리성 실험


Treating Experiment of SS and Heavy metals in Road Sediment by Filters using Hydrodynamic Filter Separator

방기웅, 최창수, 이준호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



dissolved solids, organic constituents and metal elements, which are usually adsorbed to particles. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the treating feasibility of SS and heavy metals in road sediment by filters with the hydrodynamic filter sepa-rator(HDFS) in order to adopt the road runoff treatment. A various type of filter media such as perlite, granular activated carbon, zeolite were used as single or mixed media for hydrodynamic filter separator(HDFS), and to determine the removal efficiency with various surface loading rates. As the results of laboratory test, the overall removal efficiencies of SS were 48% for perlite, 23% for activated carbon, 30% for calcination zeolite filter, respectively. For the case of heavy metals, overall removal efficiencies were 33% for perlite, 28% for activated carbon, 23% for calcination zeolite filter in case of Fe, 41% for perlite, 35% for activated carbon, 25% for calcination zeolite filter in case of Zn, and 39% for perlite, 33% for activated carbon, 31% for calcination zeolite filter in case of Pb, respectively in accordance to the surface loading rates of 200 - 600 m3/m2/day.
Media with the highest removal efficiency was perlite, and next highest was mixed media with perlite and granular activated carbon. Therefore, appropriate media for hydrodynamic filter separator were perlite and perlite mixed with granular activated carbon media to treatment for road storm runoff.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 실험장치 및 방법
  1. 여재의 선정
  2. 실험장치의 구성
  3. 처리성 실험 및 분석
 Ⅲ. 실험결과 및 고찰
  1. 여재 특성 분석결과
  2. 수면적부하율 별 처리성 비교
  3. 여재별 처리 전후의 입경분포 특성
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 방기웅 Ki-Woong Bang. 한밭대학교 토목 ․ 환경 ․ 도시공학부
  • 최창수 Chang-Su Choi. 충북대학교 환경공학과
  • 이준호 Jun-Ho Lee. 충주대학교 환경공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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