

A Comparison of Social Work Ethical Codes in Korea and the United States : Focused on Confidentiality, Dual Relationships, Cultural Diversity and Impaired Colleagues


Elaine Congress, Wook Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Social work may by one of the most nomative of the helping prefessions. The theme of value and ethics has always been central to the profession. There are similarities and differences among social work professional codes among countries. This paper compared and contrasts some of the most signficant of the Korean and the United States Code of Ethics. It focuses on the history and main features of the codes of the two nations. Some change from previous versions of the Codes in both countries and their impications are discussed.


1. Introdution
 2. Social Work Values and Ethics: The Context of Practice and Research
 3. Bacjgriybds of Ethical Codes in the United States and Korea
 4. Comparing Codes of Ethics in the United States and Korea
  1) Confidentiality and Privacy
  2) Dual Relationships
  3) Cultural Diversity
  4) Impaired Colleagues
 5. Conclusion


  • Elaine Congress Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
  • Wook Kim Associate Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Kyonggi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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