


우리나라 청소년의 건강위험행동별 음주 및 성경험 위험정도



Health risk-taking behaviors such as smoking, alcohol use, substance use, violence and sexual intercourse among adolescents are significant public health problems. Recent data indicate that
smoking, alcohol use, substance use, and sexual intercourse in adolescents have been increasing steadily in South Korea. Few studies of smoking, alcohol use, substance use, violence, and sexual intercourse have been conducted simultaneously. This study is to examine associations between 1) drinking and health risk-taking behaviors, and 2) sexual intercourse and health risk-taking behaviors in adolescents. A cross sectional study based on a stratified cluster sample of 24 senior high schools during June and July 2000 was used. The associations were examined with X2, Fishers Exact Test, Mantel-Haenszel X2, and logistic regression.
The main results are as follows:
Boys were more likely to take part in smoking, drinking alcohol use, violence and sexual intercourse compared with girls. 38.6% of boys and 27.5% of girls had consumed alcohol in the
past 30 days. Higher levels of drinking alcohol use were associated with adolescents with separated/divorced parents.
Those adolescents who took part in smoking, substance use, sexual intercourse, and violence were 36.27, 4.63, 15.16, and 8.57 times respectively higher to have alcohol consumption compared
with those adolescent who did not have those risk-taking behaviors. Those adolescents who took part in smoking, drinking alcohol use, and violence were 28.56, 9.6, and 2.16 times higher
to have sexual intercourse compared with those adolescents who did not have those risk-taking behaviors. Risk-taking behaviors of smoking, substance use, sexual intercourse, and violence are risk factors for drinking alcohol. Smoking, drinking alcohol use, and violence are risk factors for sexual intercourse. This study suggests that adolescents are risk-taking behaviors simultaneously.
To prevent adolescents health risk-taking behaviors we should develop practical educational principles that focus on delaying a young persons first use of cigarettes and alcohol. Health
education should be considered to establish a compulsory curriculum as part of the school curriculum to offer health education systematically and comprehensively.




  • 손애리 삼육대학교 물리치료학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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