The purpose of this paper is to explain the meaning difference of argument alternation structures such as dative, conative, and locative alternations in English and Korean in terms of Haiman's (1980, 1983, and 1985) distance principle. Discourse-functional account including distance
principle can explicitly analyze the semantic and pragmatic differences between two types of complements in these structures. In order to examine the validity of the proposed analysis, this study performs the survey of 10 native speakers' intuition on functional, semantic or pragmatic differences between the minimal pair sentences under discussion in each language.
As a result, it is possible to say that the closer the object NP is to the verb that denotes the subject's action, the more direct the effect of the latter on the former is in both languages. Based on the result, iconic aspect can be dealt as a universal tendency and this generality may be extended to other languages.
2. Distance principle in Iconicity theory
2.1. Iconic aspects in natural languages
2.2. A view on Meaning and Form in discourse functional and cognitive grammar
3. An Iconicity-based analysis of argument structure alternations
4. Analysis of data and survey
5. Conclusion