This study has classified the interrogative ending of 'hʌra' form into formal and informal style then defined 'nda' pattern as the former and 'ga/go' system as the latter. The 'ga/go' system is explained that it is the idea of giving a generic name to 'noun+ga/go', 'nga (go)', 'nyo/nyeo', 'ryo/rio', and 'ryeo/riyeo'. After all, these forms are originated from 'ga/go' system.
The possibility of 'nda' pattern as formal style is found that the speaker's intention is performed with much stronger than other patterns. So, this is the result of maintaining its own form of '-da' which carries out decisive and notifying function in an explanation. In short, a series of feature coincide with a general property of formal style which is regarded as 'wording performed
by direct, decisive, and typical intention-ending'.
The possibility of 'ga/go' system as informal style is found that 'da', with 'nda' pattern, which has decisive and notifying function is not used, and has more word form compare to 'nda' pattern. If 'da' which has the function of the above is not used, then it is presumed that the opposite effect could appear. In addition, if there is lots of word form, then various senses such as distrust, supposition, and exclamation could be expressed and finally, the speaker's emotion could be delivered richly.
2. 15세기 라체의 의문법 양상
2.1 기존 논의 검토
2.2 의문법 양상
3. 맺음말
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