

북한 호위사령부의 경호요원 체육교육에 관한 연구


A Study on the Physical Training for the Security Agents of the Security Headquarters in the North Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The pivotal emphasis of the physical training for the security agents of the security headquarters in the North Korea is to inspire them with the defense physical training-centered ideology and the war spirit. Their special martial arts is the protectee-centered offensive arts rather than the self-centered arts. It puts emphasis on training black belt-holders in diverse martial arts rather than in a certain martial art. Thus, the physical training for security agents in the South Korea should be also developed into the ways to rear them as black belt-holders in diverse martial arts rather than to foster them as high grade-holders in a certain martial art. And also, professors majoring in security and physical science have to develop jointly the measures to improve the physical and mental agility and the basic physical strength to inspire rapid handling and perseverance, to develop the physical training program to reduce mental and physical stress of security guards, to develop the standard for the examination of physical strength suitable for the body figures of Korean people and the regular evaluation with the standard and to apply traditional folk-games such as the swing and the seesaw to the physical training for security guards.


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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