A Study on the Plan for Professional License of the Private Security in Korea
According to current record of private security in Korea, more than 107,963 private security guards are employed by 2,051 security guard association. However, it is obvious that there is lack of any kinds of professional license. To ensure the profession of Private Security industry and at the same time to improve the quality of private guard duty, it is necessary to introduce professional license system which is specialized and developed. The kinds of license anticipated are security guards services, armored car services, alarm services, proprietary security services, special guards services, terror, security consultants services, and private investigators. To settle those license system, there should be not only exertion of academic society but also administrative support of government and research of legal office th arrange legal and official structure.
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- 8民間警備員의 專門資格證制度에 관한 硏究네이버 원문 이동
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