


민간경호경비의 발전에 대한 자본주의의 사회환경적 해석


Social Environment Research of Capitalism for the Private Security Development

김창호, 공배완

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Capitalism is based on a material desire of the human being. the social control of capital value and the management of capital ability reflects the actual condition of the capitalism well. The unconstrained growing and the expansion of capitalism, it finally lost social meaning and an importance of human being element and the safety of the civilian life, began to threat the security of citizen by forming over the material center structure of society. Improving human life quality and material richness on their life leads positive factor of capitalism whereas is causing several crimes through the society which is being threatened around a human being life for a negative factor of the capitalism. Therefore capitalistic social system has offered both a positive factor 'growing' and 'richness' and that of a negative 'structural poverty' and 'lack of security' and they have been remaining the assignment of capitalism 'poverty' and 'security' by settlement in the society for a extremely phenomenon of both sides. The objective of this research is to build its study theory and establish its causal relation by illuminating for the social environment of capitalism for a private guard or a development background of the civil security contributing for citizen security, as well as gets the clue of the development possibility of the civil guard and escort field and the development of capitalism. In Korea because their recognition of the study approach and the social safety for social security control function is still staying first step and our daily life is annoying from various threat of the society, many studies and the realistic necessity of experience related with social security is being studied. In addition, The development possibility of the civil guard and defense at the civil field which will be keep the social security has a wide position but its study approach and realistic comprehension is still in insufficient condition. Consequently, this research is started to grasp the security of civil fiend and to grope a development possibility through the research of capitalism.


  • 김창호
  • 공배완


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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