

숭고미의 표현방식에 관한 연구 - 풍경식 정원과 대지예술을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Expression Method of the Sublime Beauty - Focused on the Picturesque Garden and Land Art -

류주희, 김영석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study intends to probe the sublime beauty, which has been in the center of attention as an alternative classification of the 'beauty' the contents and characteristics of the sublime beauty. Then, the expressive method of the picturesque garden and Land Art, which are created by the experience of the nature, will be studied. The expression of the sublime can be summarized as the contrast of the grandiose, definiteness, amorphous/strangeness, absolute power and
largeness. In the picturesque garden and Land Art, these expression methods are made visible through the medium of the vastness of the nature. Meanwhile, the sublime beauty in the architecture can be explained in terms of the monumental architectures' proportion, geometrical proportion, repetition, and simplicity, which are the architectural manifestations of the heretic beauty. It is the potential for the various expressive methods in the areas of modern arts and architecture that intensify the interests over the sublime beauty as an alternative for the traditional concept of the beauty. Therefore, the sublime beauty can be said that it was a very significant meaning as a new classification of the art in the modern art, which is full of paradox, negativity and wonder, in the context of ex panding the realm of the beauty and creating a new art.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 풍경식 정원과 대지 예술에 대한 이해
  2.1. 풍경식 정원
  2.2 대지예술
 3. 숭고미의 이론적 고찰
 4. 풍경식 정원과 대지예술에서 나타난 숭고미의 표현 형식
  4.1 거대함/ 웅장함
  4.2 무한함
  4.3 몰형식성/ 낯섦/ 질서의 파괴
  4.4 절대적인 힘
  4.5 크기의 대조
 5. 결론


  • 류주희 Ryu, Joo-Hi. 정회원, 충주대 건축학과 전임강사
  • 김영석 Kim, Young-Suk. 정회원, 충남대 건축학부 조교수 교신저자


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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