Patterns have their own shapes and characteristics as a symbol in accordance with in what environment they are like a language. Especially our ancestor had wished present values as like riches and honors, longevity and health, love and happiness through all kinds of patterns of animals, plants, the sun, the moon, cloud, water and mountain, and expressed an aesthetic consciousness. Pattern design is important in fashion but it is insufficient in terms of the development of modern patterns based on Korean traditional patterns. Therefore, We need to create new senses and thoughts through the understanding and re-analysis about Korean traditional costume and a study on optical patterns could give an extreme effect without any changes of silhouette. Especially, Emilio Pucci and Missoni have been developing a variety of Pattern designs even though there are different tendencies each other. Consequently it could be a good chance to show Korean images and originality that develope the various textile patterns with applying to Korean traditional patterns based on an analysis of their works.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 고찰
1. 한국전통문양의 의의
2. 한국전통문양의 조형적 특성
III. 패션에 표현된 옵티컬 패턴 디자인
1. 옵티컬 패턴의 조형 요소별 특징
2. 국내ㆍ외 디자이너별 특성
IV. 전통문양을 응용한 옵티컬 패턴 디자인 제작
V. 결론