


탈색단계별 과산화수소 농도에 따른 모발의 물리ㆍ형태적 손상정도 비교


The Comparison of Physical & Morphological Damage of Hair According to the Bleaching Methods by the H2O2 Concentration

이은경, 황중덕, 김해정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to comparative analysis about the physical and morphological damage degrees of hair according to the bleaching methods by H2O2 concentration. As a result of the changes in the physical characteristics of the hair according to the deceleration operation methods by 3-6-9% and 9% H2O2 concentration, the intensity of tension considerably decreased but the elongation was increased. And the more the damage of hair, the larger the degree of change. Regarding the method of deceleration operation, the 3-6-9% deceleration operation method was more damaging than the 9% single deceleration operation method. In the change of the characteristics of the form of the hair, the control group of the 5-level deceleration hair generally showed a smooth external appearance and regular and closely overlapped epidermis and undamaged cuticle were observed. But in the 3-6-9% deceleration operation method and 9% single deceleration operation method, damages such as the irregular form of the edge of the epidermis and the unclear boundary between the epidermis occurred.


 I. 서론
 II. 재료 및 방법
  1. 재료
  2. 실험방법
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  1. 모발의 물리적 특성
  2. 디지털카메라로 관찰된 모발의 외부형태
  3. 전자현미경을 통한 외부형태변화 관찰
 IV. 결론
  1. 모발의 물리적 변화의 관찰
  2. 모발의 형태적 변화의 관찰


  • 이은경 Eun-Kyeung Lee. 대구공업대학 뷰티아트디자인과
  • 황중덕 Jung-Deog Hwang. 경북도립 경도대학 뷰티아트디자인과
  • 김해정 Hye-Jeung Kim. 대구공업대학 뷰티아트디자인과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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