





피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Tuhua ribao was a unique illustrated media published in the last years of Qing dynasty. Tuhua ribao was a daily, one issue published everyday from 16th August 1909 to 2nd October 1910 except for 9 days during the traditional new year's holiday period. Thus 404 issues overall. This media was influenced a great deal by model set by the preceding Dianshizhai huabao, which was the case for most late Qing pictorials, but also had it's own special features which could be described as unique or as being up-to-date. Being a daily pictorial with multiple pages itself was very uncommon, because unless it was a one or two page supplement of a major daily newspaper most illustrated media in late Qing period were published on a ten day or weekly basis. Introduction of a variety of sections into it's pages was quite unique, because it was something that was never tried out in full scale by other pictorials. Popular ideas of classifying useful knowledge could be traced from these sections. Sections which show popular interest in places, or to say geographical knowledge, including ‘Daluzhi jingwu(大陸之景物)’―‘Scenery of Continents' or ‘Scenery of the World'― was the most unique feature of this media. Vivid visual experience of places in China and abroad these sections offered could be interpreted as having close relations with popular imagining of Chinese national identity in the modern world. Introduction of a section that carry proto-cartoon like satire drawings was something that set this pictorial apart from the Dianshizhai tradition and close with it's contemporaries. A feature that has to do with growing demand of the times to be politically awake. It also shows that the capacity and usage of visual representation in modern Chinese media is being enlarged and diversified.


1. 들어가는 말
 2.《圖畵日報》의 발간기간 및 간행물의 형태
 3.《圖畵日報》의 체재와 성격 - ‘신지식의 잡화점’
  (1) 세계의 '장소'들에 대한 관심과 관련된 난들
  (2) '사람'에 대한 관심과 련련된 난들
  (3) 사회에 여러 영역에 대한 관심과 련련된 난들
  (4) 풍자를 목표로 한 난 - '新知識之難貨店'
  (5) '小說' 난
  (6) 기타
 4. 나오는 말


  • 민정기 인하대학교 중어중문학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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