

21세기 미국의 중국문학 연구 동향



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay is a research on the studies of Chinese literature in the U.S.A of 21st century. Generally speaking, we can find some study trends as follows; first, interdisciplinary approach, second, various approaches on the period, third, considering in the cultural context, fourth, interest in the questions of self-representation, conceptions of the self, and literary identity, fifth, development of women's literature, sixth, cross-cultural comparison and collaboration. Some studies show several tendencies are mixed in the various types. For example, Martin Huang's Negotiating Masculinities in Late Imperial China shows the trends of considering in the cultural context, development of women's literature and interest in the conceptions of the self. Judith T. Zeitlin's The Phantom Heroine: Ghosts and Gender in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Literature shows us the trends of interdisciplinary approach, interest in the 17th century and women's study. Qian Ma's Feminist Utopian Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Chinese and English Fiction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison shows us the trends of cross-cultural comparison, interest in the 18th century and women's study. Studies of Chinese Literature in the U.S.A of 21st century shows us brilliant accomplishment. This accomplishment is supported by basic conditions such as translations, book reviews and article reviews.


1. 머리말
 2. 학제적 연구
 3. 시대에 대한 다양한 접근
  1) 특정주제로 왕조의 문학현상 다루기
  2) 세기에 대한 관심
  3) 중세문학에 대한 관심
 4. 문화적 콘텍스트 고려하기
  1) 문예문화(Literary Culture)
  2) 도서ㆍ출판문화, 텍스트문화
  3) 예술문화
 5. 자아와 정체성에 대한 탐색
 6. 여성문학 연구의 발전
 7. 비교연구와 공동연구
 8. 맺음말


  • 류창교 서울대학교 중문학 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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