

제7차 교육과정 개정에 따른 실과교과서 진로영역 개발방향


A Direction for the Development of Career Domain in Practical Arts Education Textbook according to the Amendment of 7th Curriculum


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the direction for development of career domain in practical arts education textbook according to the amendment of 7th curriculum. Literature review and content analysis were used in this study. The major findings in this study were as follows : (1) Career domain in practical arts education textbook should include educational activities that would provide students with the opportunities of career-related learning experience through work-based learning. (2) To activate career education, educational objectives of each area or section of practical arts curriculum should be modified and clarified. (3) 'Work and Vocation' section that is directly related to career education in practical arts education textbook should select learning experience aiming at elevating students' career development focused on the sixth grades. (4) Career-related units that are effectively serve career information and work experience activities related to components of practical arts subject should be developed.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 목적
  3. 연구의 방법
  4. 연구의 제한
 II. 초등 진로교육 목표와 내용체제 및 지침
  1. 초등 진로교육의 목표와 내용체제  
  2. 초등 진로교육의 지침
 III. 개정 교육과정에서의 진로교육 실태 분석
  1. 실과교육과정 변천에 따른 진로교육 현황
  2. 개정 교육과정에서의 진로교육 현황
 IV. 제7차 교육과정 개정에 따른 실과교과서 진로영역 개발방향
  1. 독립단원 구성방향
  2. 타영역 진로내용 구성방향
 V. 결론


  • 이종범 Jong-Bum Lee. 청주교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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