


학교에서의 민주적ㆍ자율적인 도덕공통체에 관한 연구


A Study on Democratic · Autonomical Moral Community in School


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



School has a duty to promote individual autonomy within democratical and educational community. From this perspective, I will begin by examining differences between moral community approaches and then argue that analysis of democratic perspective can contribute greatly to our understanding of autonomical growth. The Idea that a main aim of public education should be the promotion of rational autonomy within community was first fully stated by J. Dewey. Dewey established special school, what is called, experimental school. L. Kohlberg attempted the just community approach by supplementing the limits of the cognitive-developmental moral education and by operating participatory democracy in school. And the just community approach differs from small-group moral dilemma discussions, in that just community programs attempt to affect the moral atmosphere or climate of a school. The Primary goal of this approaches is to create and provide an environment in which issues of fairness, right, justice, community, and caring are democratically debated and resolved. And the democratic process, as process, will only work if each person's perspective is genuinely respected as a contribution to the shape the community is taking. Rules are established and enforced through the active participation of all members, communication and inquiry. For this perspective, we consider constructivism against behaviorism self- imposed discipline. And Through formal and hidden-curriculum, we should construct democratic․autonomical moral community. After all, we consider the active participation, communication, inquiry, construction, collaboration and care of the students and teachers in such a democratic organization as the appropriate means to enhance the social and moral development of individual students as well as the appropriate means for making the school itself a more caring, just and moral institution in which to learn.


본 논문은 현재 제기되고 있는 도덕공동체에 대한 논의들의 문제점을 검토하고, 자율성과 민주성을 보다 고취할 수 있는 도덕공동체의 방향성을 모색하고 있다. Kohlberg의 정의 공동체나 Noddings의 배려공동체 혹은 공동체주의자들의 도덕공동체적 접근 등 기존의 도덕공동체적 접근을 비판적으로 검토하면서 행동주의에 반하는 구성주의적 접근의 특성을 중시하되 훈육 및 자율성의 긴장관계에 대한 균형잡힌 관점을 견지해야함을 제시하였다. 이런 관점은 권위주의적 훈육을 주장하는 Skinner나 훈육에 반대하는 Neil의 관점을 넘어서서 Dewey나 Kohlberg의 관점을 발전적으로 지향하되 구성주의적 훈육 혹은 자율적 훈육의 방식으로 추구되어져야 할 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 비공식적 교육과정과 공식적 교육과정 모두를 통해서 도덕공동체적 접근이 시도될 필요성이 있음을 제시하였다. 구체적인 제언 역시 포함하였다. 권위주의적 사회․도덕적 분위기를 지양하고 의사소통과 참여의 기능을 확대하되 구성과 탐구의 공동체를 지향할 필요성이 있음을 강조하였다. 배려와 협동의 원리를 공동체에 적용하되 학생자치활동, 상향식 참여, 학부모 및 지역사회인사의 참여를 강조함으로써 자율적․민주적인 도덕공동체의 방향성을 제시해 보았다.


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