

제3부 연구논문

서사무가 <바리데기>에 나타난 욕망의 의미와 바리데기 신화의 현재성 - 김복순 본 <바리데기>를 중심으로


A Study on the Meaning of Desire Mentioned in a Epical Shaman Song Baridegi and Present Myth on an Adopted Child - focusing on the Baridegi by a Shaman Kim Bok-Sun


국문학회 국문학연구 제15호 2007.05 pp.237-265
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on the Meaning of Desire Mentioned in a Epical Shaman Song Baridegi and Present Myth on an Adopted Child - focusing on the Baridegi by a Shaman Kim Bok-Sun - Lee, Min-Heui Baridegi is one of the most famous epical shaman song in Korea, passing down by shaman of today. Baridegi(=princess Bari) was abandoned by her parents right after her birth. Nevertheless, she forgives her parent, goes through rough adventures and saves her parent’s life by bringing the holy water from the underworld. In a "Bari's story like this, an abandoned Baridegi makes a role as a mediator to realize desire of characters. For example, Baridegi not only realizes parent's dearest desire for life, Dongsuja(holy water keeper)'s desire for children in a internal point of view, but also satisfies prayer's desire for guiding the soul of dead to the underworld, shaman's desire for successful performing ritual in a external point of view. It can be considered these desires of figures in a Baridegi in connection with an adopted children's story today. Especially, it means a success story of an adopted child who comes into the spotlight through the Mass Media. Though Children abandoned by parents, and after that adopted by foreign foster parents, they are able to return to Korea in glory as a hero or heroine like a princess Bari by the commercial interest of the mass media, on that particular occasion for that once they grown up to be a famous public figure in the world. From this view point, myth on Bari sheds light on ageless themes like isolation and abandonment which continue to haunt modern society.


1. 들어가며
 2. <바리데기>(김복순 본) 개관
 3. <바리데기>에 나타난 욕망의 구조와 바리데기의 의미
  3.1. 작중 인물의 욕망
  3.2. 작품 외적 인물의 욕망
  3.3. 바리데기의 의미
 4. 오늘날의 바리데기 신화
  4.1. 빈손으로 오지 않는 바리데기
  4.2. 바리데시 신화의 재생산과 그 의미
 5. 나오며


  • 이민희 Lee, Min-Heui. 아주대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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