

제3부 연구논문

근대전환기 국문시가에 나타난 주체와 타자 - ‘복선화음가’ 계열 가사를 중심으로


The Subject and the Others on Modernizing Period's Korean Poetry


국문학회 국문학연구 제15호 2007.05 pp.153-187
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Subject and the Others on Modernizing Period's Korean Poetry Cho, Hae-Sug A Gasa(歌辭) affiliated with is one of the transformational Gyenyeo Gasa(戒女歌辭). It is estimated that women produced many variations to create and enjoy broadly after the latter half of 19th century. The type of this work group is classified into two; 'Gyenyeo' type which emphasizes a normative admonition, and 'Jeongi(傳記)' type which is developed with the speaker's biography as the central figure. And I inquire the change of narrative viewpoint, way to connect inner stories, and telling. The variation from 'Gyenyeo' type to 'Jeongi'' type has new meaning in respects of enjoyer's concept and Gasa's distribution. A Gasa affiliated with assumes a modern phase, on the point that it makes 'GoeDdongEoMi(괴똥어미)' who is a minority character appear in Gasa text, and that women who are the objects of 'becoming the other' becomes the subject with including or tolerating another person for themselves. Also, it is important that the work figures the positive role of women who step forward as the core of production and home-management and reveals a desire for 'riches' and a solidarity through 'poverty'. A Gasa affiliated with discloses how Gasa can become popularized, by increasing a description or a narrative and letting us hear of various character's polyphonic voice in one text, too.


1. 서론
 2. 두 유형의 서술 구조와 의미
 3. '복선화음가' 계열 가사에 나타난 근대성 : 타자의 포용과 주체의 확립
  3.1. 새로운 인간형의 창조와 타자에의 시선
  3.2. 여성의 주체되기 - 포용성을 지닌 긍정적 주체로
  3.3. '소비' 욕망의 이중성 혹은 '가난'을 통한 연대
 4. 가사의 시대적 대응력과 대중화 방식 : 의의와 전망


  • 조해숙 Cho, Hae-Sug. 서울대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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