Effects of percent body fat on isokinetic and isometric strength of knee
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare lower limb isokinetic muscular strength of <23㎏/m2 and >23㎏/m2 population at the same height and muscle mass. For this purpose, 20 subject(10 <23㎏/m2, 10 >23㎏/m2) were selected. The result were as following. The peak torque, average power, total work, maximal voluntary isometric contraction(MVIC) in time of flexion and extension 60°/S, 180°/S no significant difference, In conclusion the muscle mass seems to be a function of underlying muscle strength and contributing variables of isokinetic lower limb flexion and extension strength in men who are >23㎏/m2 are not body fat.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구대상
2. 측정도구
3. 측정방법
4. 자료처리
Ⅲ. 결과
1. 최대근력(Peak Torque)
2. 평균파워(Average Power)
3. 총 일량(Total Work
4. 등척성 최대 수축(Maximum Voluntary Isomet-ric Contraction; MVIC)
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론