

비만 청소년의 심폐기능과 혈중지질 효소 수준에 관한 연구


The study of Cardiorespiratory Function and serum lipids & enzymes level in obesity middle school student

김성진, 최현민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of obesity on Exercise performance and serum lipids & enzymes level during increased exercise. The test subject were twenty obesity men(obesity group; OB) and twenty general men(general group; GB) enrolled at middle school student. The age of subjects were distributed between thirteen and fifteen. The man test items of this study were heart rate (HR), VO2max, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and serum lipids &
CPK, LDH at before and after the ergometer exercise for 12 minutes. It took five months to measure and analyse according to the test items. All data were processed by IBM package SPSS-PC. The results through the statistical analysis of these data were summarized as follows; 1. The %fat were 13.9±1.86% in GB and 24.5±1.68% in OB. 2. The HR at resting were 75.4±7.02 bpm in GB and 85.8±5.53 bpm in OB. And the HR after 12 minutes ergometer exercise were 163.2±4.52 bpm in GB, 175.5±5.13 bpm in OB. 3. The SBP at resting were 117.0±7.32mmHg in GB and 121.0±6.41mmHg in OB. And the SBP after were 160.3±6.58mmHg in GB, 169.0±8.67mmHg in OB. 4. The VO2max were 45.38±6.22㎖/㎏/min in GB, 36.14±5.49㎖/㎏/min in OB. 5. The serum Total-Cholesterol level at resting were 133.3±16.01㎎/㎗ in GB and
179.9±30.82㎎/㎗ in OB. And the serum Total-Cholesterol level after exercise were 136.5±15.04㎎/㎗ in GB and 184.5±33.14 ㎎/㎗ in OB. 6. The serum Triglyceride level at resting were 61.8±11.77㎎/㎗ in GB and 112.3±22.55㎎/㎗ in OB. And the serum Triglyceride level after exercise were 69.7±12.08㎎/㎗ in GB and 120.9±20.09㎎/㎗ in OB. 7. The serum HDL-C level at resting were 48.4±4.97㎎/㎗ in GB and 36.9±4.69㎎/㎗ in OB. And the serum HDL-C level after exercise were 49.2±4.49 ㎎/㎗ in GB and 38.9±5.79㎎/㎗ in OB. 8. The serum FFA level at resting were 565.1±125.09㎎/㎗ in GB and 679.2±179.76 ㎎/㎗ in OB. And the serum FFA level after exercise were 720.1±131.59㎎/㎗ in GB and 882.9±191.57㎎/㎗ in OB. 9. The serum LDH level at resting were 390.7±53.96IU/L in GB and 374.9±23.69IU/L in OB. And the serum LDH level after exercise were 461.3±51.72IU/L in GB and 451.1±21.73IU/L in OB. 10. The serum CPK level at resting were
118.5±26.10IU/L in GB and 82.9±18.89IU/L in OB. And the serum CPK level after exercise were 137.7±29.62IU/L in GB and 108.9±29.72IU/L in OB.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구 방법
  1. 연구 대상
  2. 비만의 측정
  3. 실험 설계 및 절차
  4. 자료 분석
 Ⅲ. 결과
  1. 심폐기능
  2. 혈중 지질 및 유리지방산
 Ⅳ. 고찰
  1. 심폐기능
  2. 혈중 지질 및 유리지방산의 변화
  3. 혈청 효소 수준의 변화
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김성진 Kim, Seong-Jin. 우석대학교
  • 최현민 Choi, Hyun-Min. 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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