While studies on corruption are concentrated too much on public sector, it is hardly find studies on corporate corruption which represents private sector. Recently there has been growing concern about corporate corruption taking anti-corruption round as an opportunity. This paper tries to build a model which measures corporate corruption. We extend Park's model(2000) in 3 ways. First, we simplify the model by excepting social responsibility of corporates from the indicators. Social responsibility of corporates is not clear whether it is placed under the category of corporate corruption. Thus, we evaluate 2 fields; legality and transparency. Second, to measure corporate corruption we approach on a dual basis: that is internal perception and external perception. Internal perception evaluates the level of integrity of an individual firm based on the employees and the related firm's experience. External perception evaluates based on the experts such as CPA and professors of Business Administration. Third, we employ Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) method recognized scientific propriety in giving weights among indicators.
Ⅱ. 기업부패의 이론적 배경
1. 기업부문 부패 논의의 배경
2. 기업부패의 개념
3. 한국 기업부패의 원인과 문화적 특성
Ⅲ. 기업부패측정 모형에 관한 선행연구의 검토
1. 경실련의 KEJI 지수
2. 기업윤리지수 측정모형
3. 박정수 외(2000)의 기업부패지수 측정모형
Ⅳ. 기업부패 측정모형
1. 평가항목 및 지표
2. 기업부패 측정모형 구축
3. 평가방법
4. 가중치 부여
Ⅴ. 결론