Application of Safety Diagnosis in Small and Medium Scale Remodeling Construction
This study aims to find out problems through pilot survey of Safety Diagnosis in small and medium scale remodeling construction. And then this study derives priority indexes of problems through questionnaire survey and suggests betterments in the Safety Diagnosis and checks of remodeling construction. The process of study is as follows. Firstly, Through synthetic
analysis of theoretical study, case study, and problems which are suggested in the pilot survey, 28 problems were derived (14 problems of constructor, 14 problems of agency of safety diagnosis). Secondly, Through questionnaire survey of 28 problems which were derived before, priority indexes of problems were decided. And after descriptive analysis was executed. Thirdly, 5 betterments were suggested through 14 betterments of high indexes which were derived from the descriptive analysis.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
1.3 선행 연구의 고찰
2. 리모델링 공사에서의 안전진단에 관한 이론적 고찰
2.1 안전진단의 개념과 법적 근거
2.2 리모델링 공사와 안전진단
3. 중소규모 리모델링공사의 안전진단 실태조사
3.1 사례조사
3.2 안전진단에 관한 주체별 의식조사
4. 안전진단의 중요도 분석 및 개선방안
4.1 조사의 개요 및 분석방법
4.2 시공업체의 중요도 분석
4.3 안전진단기관의 중요도분석
4.4 적용방안에 관한 중요도 분석
5. 결론
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