

중국 및 동아시아 인문학

사상사적 관점에서 본 중국인의 종교관


Chinese Religious Thought on The Thought History Perspective




Chinese Religious Thought On The Thought History Perspective Lee, Sang-ok This paper is to discuss Chinese religious thought compared to Western religions. I schemed to select the turning points in Chinese thought history. There are four: Confucius traditions in ancient period, Taiping Empire in transforming time from Middle to modern age, Kangyouwei`s “Confucian religion nation established church” theory in modern times, and Caiyuanpei`s “aesthetics education doing religion function” theory in contemporary epoch. The contexts of the history and culture are important point of view. Chinese religious traditions are anti-religious. But so many rebellions by oppressed people had pro-religious traditions. Dynasties made their ideologies and people`s belief system being at one. Entering to modern times, the situation was changed with the emergencies of China and Chinese. Intelligent have sought the strong ways of the China, and they believed the religion to be the most possible method to do those after contemplating Western nations history. Kangyouwei and Caiyuanpei stood the opposite direction. Kang thought the culture of China is the answer to become wealthy nation and Cai insisted religion only the custom and culture of Western style. In conclusion, I suggest three points: First, the levels of comparison were not right counterpart, the concepts consisting religion in Western and Eastern were not same comparison things. Second, the understanding of essence of religion in Chinese style was not correct. They only saw the religion teaching logic, philosophy, ritual and something like that. Third, the comprehensive understanding of pro and anti religious thoughts were given through study in context of Chinese thought history.


거의 모든 우리가 알고 있는 문화는 모든 차원에서 문화적 경험의 깊은 차원의 의미에서 종교를 포괄하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 인간 생활에 규칙(norms)과 권력(power)을 제공해주는 궁극성(ultimacy)과 초월성(transcendence)을 향해 돌진하는 것이다. 행동 패턴이 이 문화의 심도 있는 차원 근처에 건립될 때 이러한 구조는 역사적으로 인지할 수 있는 형태로 종교를 구축(構築)한다. 종교는 경험의 깊은 차원 언저리의 삶의 조직인 것이다. 비록 문화를 포괄하고 있는 형태, 완전성(completeness)과 명료성(clarity)이 변화할 수 있다.”


 I. 서론
 II. 가치론적 종교 이론 검토
 III. 중국 전통의 종교관념 - 유가사상의 종교개념
 IV. 중국 근대의 종교관념 - 태평천국의 종교관
 V. 근 현대 과도기의 종교관념 - 캉유웨이의 종교사상
 VI. 현대 중국의 종교관념 - 차이웬페이의 "미육대종교론"
 VII. 결론


  • 이상옥 Lee, Sang-ok. 전주대 언어문화학부


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