

신도시개발 정책과정에서 공공관료의 이익추구 행태 분석 -신도시개발 예산집행 체계를 중심으로-


An Analysis on the Profit Seeking Behavoir of Bureaucrats in the Process of New Town Policy - in the Case of Budget Implementation -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Bureaucrats' role is very important in the process of policy implementation in link with budget and manpower, organization. In the case of this dissertation, bureaucrats' profit seeking maximization was revealed in the first step of policy implementation of this new town region. In this case, policy initiator was Korea Land Corporation. Korea Land Corporation enlarged the role that intervene the land market system using their legal power affiliated with the nation budget.The most important factor of this analysis is internality effect of bureaucratic system. Bureaucratic systems include profit maximization of their budget, organization and so on. Korea Land corporation has very big role in the process of the land policy and housing problem in Korea. In this case, the main issue is the distortion of the financial resources affiliated with public corporation.Financial resources have not been distribute equally between low and high level classes, in this case, because of internality effect of Korea Land Corporation. Financial resources should be distributed equally between low and high level classes in the process of policy implementation using the public relations.


Ⅰ. 머 리 말
 Ⅱ. 공공관료의 이익극대화에 관한 이론적 논의
 Ⅲ. 신도시개발 정책과정에서 공공관료의 이익추구 행태
  1. 신도시 택지개발 정책의 개괄
  2. 신도시개발 정책과정에서 공공관료의 예산투자 행태
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 김용철 Yong-Chul Kim. 국립밀양대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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