The purpose of this paper is, in connection with the theory of urban public service supply and Coproduction theory, to seek an efficient device for urban public service supply from the citizens active participation viewpoint. The details of this purpose are as follows: First, on theoretical base of the citizens active participation, establish variation factors on urban public service supply centering around such factors as administrative bodies and participants. Based on this, establishes analysis model with a measuring variable which consists of valuation factors on urban public service supply such as effectiveness, correspondence or a degree of satisfaction.Second, to seek an efficient device for urban public service supply in the future, establishes a theoretical model to set-up a system for the inducement of the citizens active participation, and validate the usefulness of the model.Third, based on the above results, enables the citizen’s voluntary participation as the main body not a simple customer through cooperative efforts between the citizens and administrative bodies in delivering of urban public service supply. With this, aims at improvement of democratic consciousness, administrative efficiency, mutual understanding between the citizens and public officials and reaction of administration.
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구대상 및 방법
Ⅱ. 적극적 시민참여이론
1. 적극적 시민참여의 개념
2. 적극적 시민참여의 유형
3. 적극적 시민참여에의 영향요인
Ⅲ. 도시공공서비스 공급이론
1. 도시공공서비스의 개념과 특성
2. 도시공공서비스 공급의 개념
3. 도시공공서비스 공급의 평가요인
Ⅳ. 모형의 정립과 지표의 작성
1. 모형의 구조
2. 적극적 시민참여 평가모형
3. 평가항목과 평가지표
Ⅴ. 자율방범활동 사례에의 적용
1. 사례에의 적용
2. 이론적 함의
3. 개선방안
Ⅵ. 결 론