

국가이미지 개선을 위한 환경색채 연구Ⅰ - 서울시청사 진입경로를 중심으로 -


A Study of Environment Color for Korea Image Improvement - Focused on Access Route to Seoul City Hall

박연선, 손동승

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Meaning or the power of influence with country image re-intensified by shared information and spreading following advance and change of technology. As country image connect with environment color influence, It makes occur with place of identity, history, culture, geographical feature. Lately new cities are different with site. They have linear and mechanical street but old cities have irregular road and meandering. As a result, the other cities have diversity scene. In spite of some change they have peculiar scene in site accordingly such environment characteristic. In conclusion, this study is for proper image forming of city and country
through research on environment color distribution and characteristic of site - from slip road for seoul to Seoul City Hall.


 1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 국가이미지와 패러다임의 변화
  2.2. 도시이미지와 환경
 3. 대상지 현황 및 환경색채 분석
  3.1. 대상지 개요
  3.2. 대상지 환경색채 현황
  3.3. 소결
 4. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 박연선 Park, Yon-Sun. 홍익대학교 조형대학 교수
  • 손동승 Son, Dong-Seun. 홍익대학교 색채전공 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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