

정치인의 이미지 메이킹에 있어서의 색채 연구 - 5.31지방선거 서울시장 강금실 후보 사례를 중심으로 -


A Study of the Role of Color in the Image Making of Politicians - A Case Study Focused on Kang, Keum Sil, a Candidate for the Mayorship of Seoul in the 5.31 Local Elections -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In today's era of media politics, a politician's image plays an important role in affecting the electorates' voting decision. This image is affected, in turn, by color; not only from a visual perspective, but also from a symbolic point of view.
This case study examines Ms. Kang, Keum Sil, a candidate in the recent Seoul mayoral election, and her choice of violet as the predominant color in her image making process. A comparative analysis is made of the color violet as it pertains to her image making and its traditional meaning to reach the conclusion that politicians convey their messages against the backdrop of a color and the traditional historical and cultural meaning associated with that
color to enforce their views and better connect with the electorate.


 1. 서론
 2. 정치인의 이미지 메이킹
  2.1. 이미지란 무엇인가
  2.1. 정치인의 이미지 메이킹의 의미
  2.2. 정치인의 이미지 메이킹의 사례
 3. 문화적 의미의 색채‘보라
  3.1. 언어로서의 색
  3.2. 보라색의 상징성
 4. 강금실 후보의 이미지 메이킹 색채 ‘보라’
  4.1. 강금실 후보의‘보라’의 의미
  4.1. 강금실 후보의‘보라’의 실패
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 안진의 Ahn, Jin-Ee. 국립강원대학교 미술학과 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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