

남성복 셔츠 패턴 디자인에 대한 컬러 배색 연구 - 프랑스 남성복 스타일 -


Color Scheme of Pattern Design for Men's Shirts - French Style for Men -

박영란, 김유라



For men's suit, a shirt is getting more and more important part of it. Generally to speak, it is a
central item of coordination line between a suit and a tie. In the past, however, it was considered
as rather a sort of inner wear than a outer. So a shirt was one of the most featureless item in
color and unchanged in design among conservative men's wear.
In accordance with increase of income, the propensity to consume has been more and more
changed from a rational pattern to a sensible. When the consumers decide to buy a product,
color planning has been one of the most important factor. the visual sense is the most powerful
than any other senses. A feeling of the color which can influence on the image of th product is
rather subjective, but the product characteristic and its circumstances can more or less make the
consumer feel the image in common sense. through the color of the product, we are able to
catch its image and the consumer's tastes.
In recent days, there has been a big change in men's shirt. For example, a business casual
trend, a lower age of consumers, and a increase of distinctive user who is not satisfied with
limited design of men's suit. In order to develop color arrangement of men's shirt, this study
shows a scheme of French style through trend analysis and market research of DEVRED, a
French company.


 1. 서론
 1.1 연구 목적
 1.2 연구 범위 및 방법
 2. 이론적 배경
 2.1 프랑스 남성복 스타일
 2.2 컬러의 트렌드와 소비자의 행동
 2.3 유행색에 따른 직물 배색 연구
 3. 유행색과 직물배색 응용사례
 3.1 2006. S/S 컬러 트렌드
 3.2 2007. S/S 컬러 트렌드
 4. 결론


  • 박영란 Park Young-Ran. 니브디자인 대표
  • 김유라 Kim Eu-rah. 미오디자인 대표


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