

실버마케팅 전략으로서의 색채활용에 관한 연구 - 모바일 폰 인터페이스 요소중 색채활용을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Color Application of Strategy the Silver marketing

이상희, 김덕용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Old people's perceptivity goes dull and their sense gets down as they get older and older. We
recognize by seeing more than 80%, so it is so important to check the change of eyesight caused by aging. I tracked the mobile-phone interface used by old people and analysed what they needs. The purpose of this research is to show a guideline of the interface suitable for the old based on their visual peculiarity and color sensation theory. To pick out the general difficulties which the old have in using mobile-phone, I conducted the first questionnaire survey of old people by the way of F, G, and I in older than 65, and did the second survey of 30 old persons to get quantitative results from the 1st survey. The problems made from the 2nd survey are as follows. I would like to separate those problems above into three items by the point of function and structure. 1. A story of function. 2. LCD screen. 3. Keypad background color.
I took the 3 items into color theory of the old's features, visual sensation, and color recognition, and made out prototype of a reform measure. We get to know by the surveys that the design of the new interface with theory in satisfying users is much better than it of the present interface. It was verified that we could improve the problems of the present interface design by a color effect in the factors of the interface. I expect that the result of this research can be applied to all kinds of electronic goods with LCD panel such as MP3, washer, and microwave-oven, not only mobile-phone. In the future, we will see the machines of information technology with complex functions and various interactive media.
The needs of users will also assume diverse aspects according to the features of media. Under this condition, we need the conception of a general design which doesn't have exception groups.
I suggest that it be the next subject of research to do color plan by the design that the people at a
disadvantage are brought together into main stream by.


 1. 서론
 1.1. 연구 목적 및 의의
 1.2. 연구범위 및 방법
 2. 이론적 배경
 2.1. 고령자 환경분석
 2.4. 고령자를 위한 모바일 폰에 관한 선행연구
 2.5. 색채마케팅
 3. 고령자가 사용하는 모바일 폰 인터페이스 개선안 제안
 3.1. 고령자가 사용하는 모바일 폰 사용성에 대한
 3.2. 고령자가 사용하는 모바일 폰 인터페이스의 문제
 3.3  문제점에 대한 해결방안 제시
 4. 제안된 고령자를 위한 모바잋 폰 인터페이스 사용성의 만족도 평가
 4.1. 실험개요
 4.2. 실험분석
 5. 결론 및 제안
 5.1. 결론
 5.2. 연구의 한계점 및 제안


  • 이상희 Lee Sang-Hee. 홍익대학교 조형대학 강사
  • 김덕용 Kim Duk-Yong. 홍익대학교 조형대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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