A Study on Symbolism of Colors as Narrative Factor of Cinema
As colors were introduced into cinema, its possibility of expression was widened to unlimited extent.
Colors talk hope and despair, love and parting, and life and death, richly and widely. Though the
general color theory does not apply to cinema exactly, it is true that communication of colors in
common sense plays a role of important allegory in cinema. Deleuze answered; cinema is a new practice of images and signs and philosophy is a practice of concepts, but when these two questions are linked together, concepts of cinema are not given in cinema but philosophy should make film theory. In addition, he defined that 'cinema is a composition of images and signs, that is to say, pre-verbal intelligible content, pure semiotics'1).
This study is on the symbolism of colors as narrative factors of cinema, identifying basic concept
of colors in picture and reviewing narrative in cinema. I found that narrative using colors are applied to connective narrative between films as well as within a film. Colors, by their psychological and constructional effect, build the mood of screen, imply the plot and are expressed as a climactic screen factor.
And they concretize information on screen, lead audience's eyes and appeal to sensibility of
audience. Because of this, colors give a lot of effects to narrative expression.
Through this study, I found that the visual aspect of narrative is influenced by colors. In addition,
the narrative applied colors, by showing more effective visual communication as well as powerful
visual information to audience with strong communication, are believed to allow more extensive
symbolic expression through narrative embodiment system in employing colors in future films.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 영화에서의 내러티브와 색채
2.1 내러티브의 개념
3. 색채와 내러티브 표현
3.1 내러티브 표현을 위한 색채 적용
3.2 영화에서 상징적 표현
3.3 영화이미지의 색채 상징성
4. 영화 <연인>의 색채 상징성 분석
4.1 장이모 감독의 영화에서 보여지는 색채
4.2 영화 <연인>의 색채의 상징성 분석
4.3 <연인>에서의 색채와 내러티브 표현 분석
4. 결론