


남이장군 대제의 의미와 변화상 연구


The Study of the Meaning and Variation of Namijanggun fiesta


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay is the study of the meaning and variation of Namijanggun fiesta(Namijanggundanggut). Namijanggun fiesta(Namijanggundanggut) began with the worship of general Nami. The regional characteristic of Yongsan in which commercial business has developed and the people's two different thoughts (one is to change their real life and the other is to lead a peaceful living in their real life) worked on. So the people have made a hero of the general Nami who is existent human being and have admired the general Nami as a God. This Namijanggundanggut which worship the general Nami was interrupted for some time and were resumed. In this process, Gutgeori has changed a lot and its' characteristics have changed from the Gut which is the object of worship to the festival which is the object of play. Although there are several unvalued variations, Namijanggun fiesta (Namijanggun- danggut) has become there presentative festival. Namijanggun fiesta (Namijanggundanggut) will play a role as one type of Seoul Festival forward.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 남이장군의 신격화 과정과 당굿
Ⅲ. 남이장군 대제로의 변모
Ⅳ. 남는 문제들


  • 洪泰漢 홍태한. 서울여자대학교 국어국문학과 강사. 한국민속(무속ㆍ설화) 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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