


'다자구할머니' 說話의 神話的 性格


Mythical personality of 'Dajaguhalmeo' tale

‘다자구할머니’ 설화의 신화적 성격

李昌植, 崔明煥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



‘Dajaguhalmeo-myth' transmission in Yongbuwon-ri, Daegang-myeon, Danyang-gun, Chungchong-bukdo ‘Dajaguhalmeo' as far as being mountain god who is accompaniedin ‘Jukryeongsansinje' goddess be. It was old woman who know well Sobaekmountain's topography that ‘Dajaguhalmeo' that become target of sacrifice. She speaks that defeat thief who afflict people who pass over Jukryeong(竹嶺) by eminent wisdom, and became Jukryeong's mountain god by zero that make the village and country restfully. It has ‘Dajagu' that is person who is created newly by God in human through myth, and new name by people at the process that ‘Dajaguhalmeo'.
‘Dajaguhalmeo-myth' is acting role that explain the origin of ‘Sansindang’ and ‘Jukryeongsansinje' Soon because is used by history phlegm that ‘Dajaguhalmeo-myth' is believed by individual or area's guardian deity. Even if is so, can not prescribe ‘Dajaguhalmeo' unfortunate slip of the tongue that is ‘Dajagu-myth' or ‘Dajaguhalmeo-myth'. Soon because must acquire deify which ‘Dajaguhalmeo-tale' must equip as myth to deify. These point is difference with tale ‘Dajaguhalmeo' and general myth. Soon legend need mythical devices on essential factor of deification, mythical device that area peoples of Yongbuwon-ri produce is sacredness story of ‘Dajaguhalmeo' justly.
Apotheosized ’Dajaguhalmeo' does much meanings and function in the area peoples. First, is having function that control consciousness and emotion of function, function of treatment, function that decide good and bad luck, function of treatment, the area peoples of country protection. The area peoples of Yongbuwon-ri need force of aloof ’Dajaguhalmeo' for effective survival, or honor ‘Dajaguhalmeo', and are controlled by ‘Dajaguhalmeo'. So, is appeared by sacrifice becoming a life of faith. Therefore, It is ‘Dajaguhalmeo' is alive as god that do that protect individual or the village as well as the country to the area peoples of yongbuwon-ri who believe ‘Dajaguhalmeo'.


Ⅰ. 序 論
Ⅱ. ‘다자구할머니’ 說話의 傳承樣相
Ⅲ. 竹嶺山神祭와 ‘다자구할머니’의 正體
Ⅳ. ‘다자구할머니’ 說話의     神話性
Ⅴ. 神格化된 ‘다자구할머니’의 意味
Ⅵ. 結 論


  • 李昌植 이창식. 世明大學校 韓國語文學科 敎授. 韓國古典文學(詩歌ㆍ口碑文學) 專攻
  • 崔明煥 최명환. 江原大學交 國語國文學科 講師. 韓國古典文學(小說ㆍ口碑文學) 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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